Simply explained...! – Video clips in 30 seconds – HMKV at ExtraSchicht

Dortmunder U | RWE Forum I Kino im U

The internet enables us to access almost all of the world's knowledge at any time. Since the beginning, the internet has encouraged users to participate and share their own skills and knowledge online. Video platforms such as YouTube have become the largest collection of instructions for all areas of life - whether useful or useless.

As a prelude to the exhibition „Jetzt helfe ich mir selbst“ (Now I Can Help Myself) - The 100 best Internet video tutorials, we are inviting visitors of the Extraschicht to create their own tutorial clips. Paper, pen, camera and off you go! Explain to the world how to make the best coffee, what the golden rules are for growing vegetables or the most effective way to get round an annoying family reunion.

We also collect ideas: What area of your life would you like to see a video tutorial for?

The event will take place at our construction site for the exhibition „Jetzt helfe ich mir selbst“ (Now I Can Help Myself) - The 100 best Internet video tutorials.

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